Thursday, March 31, 2011

Almost the weekend!

My friend Rachel Lightfoot texted me the other day with a picture of me and Levi in a bridal magazine! Evidently one of the photographers from our Rockwall photo shoot submitted our picture in a magazine. I like the picture too! I went on a hunt today at the bookstore in Abilene and found it. It's in the Brides of North Texas magazine, the Spring/Summer 2011 edition. Voila!! 

Levi is headed to Austin tonight to get his back/hip problems worked on by our family's deep massage therapist, Ken Moench.
I guess we can't claim him since other people use him too haha but we've been going to him for about 8 years now and know he can work miracles on people. It hurts REALLY bad, but it works. Hopefully he'll fix Levi! So I will be finding things to do for the next three days...normal weekend. Maybe it will be a pure Hendrick weekend :) MAYBE I can convince Lauren to come too!

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Eat Pray Love

Levi is at a track meet in San Angelo today and tomorrow, so I'm eating lunch at work today and enjoying Eat Pray Love. Right now I'm reading about her stay in Italy and I'm LOVING it since I lived there about three months after my freshman year in college. It's so fun to hear what she thinks about all the different Italian cities. Here's a kooky theory from the book that I thought was interesting today.

"Every city has a single word that defines it, that identifies most people who live there. If you could read people's thoughts as they were passing you on the streets of any given place, you would discover that most of them are thinking the same thought. Whatever the majority thought might be- that is the word of the city. And if your personal word does not match the word of the city, then you don't really belong there."

I've been sitting here thinking about all the different cities in the world that I've been to and trying to think of the different words that define them. I don't really remember the culture of Costa Rica enough to label them though.

I would say that China's word would be CONFORM. (I don't think it's necessary to break their cities up...sad.) Although Hong Kong would deserve it's own word...WIN.
New York's word would be ACHIEVE.
Los Angeles' word is SUCCEED.
Rome's is SEX.
The Vatican's is POWER.
Kauai's is RELAX.
and Abilene's is COMFORTABLE. Which is probably why Levi and I don't feel like this should be our home forever. The culture here is to find a routine, and stay in it.

So...I wonder what my personal word is and what city I would best fit. Levi and I probably have very different words :) We're a good balance.

I'm excited to hear how Levi did in this track meet! He is doing SO WELL!! Hopefully he'll have a meet in Abilene soon so his family and my family can come watch, cheer, makes signs...embarrass him :) I'm so proud of him!

Cowtown Half Marathon

I ran my first half marathon with my friend Melanie Runyan about a month ago. We did the Cowtown Fort Worth race and it was SO fun!! The pictures are now up on the website so I wanted to post some of them!! So proud of us :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First wedding dress

I sold my first wedding dress on Ebay! (First dress that I did not like...) Made some money so I can buy accessories for the IPAD I'm getting from work! Woop woop! Funny part though...I thought I had posted 3 pictures on Ebay for people to see the dress but I actually only posted one. Of my backside. And it sold! Yay!!

Happy Hump Day!

This is my very first post, how very exciting. This blog was a spur of the moment/I'm bored at work sort of thing and I thought, since I read so many blogs at work, why not make one? I will try to make the posts readable, but I do not promise proper grammar (sorry Dad!) This is just for fun! And grammar is not fun.

So today is Wednesday, and is proving to be very exciting. I have already created a "mood room" which I will post in a minute, and I have continued planning mine and Levi's trip to Europe and Costa Rica. Which will happen in...two years. Yes I need to find things to do here :) BUT now that I know that a blog exists for the Gates family I will try to document our lives through photos so our dear friends that don't get to enjoy us everyday CAN! Together, Levi and I do about 5x as much as the normal person during our day so it should give me something to write about.

Without further ado, here is my mood room! I don't know the purpose of it, but they were things that caught my eye today and I had fun making it! Hope y'all are having a magnificent hump day!

March 23, 2011